Sunday, October 30, 2016

When We Know Better...

Do you ever have those periods of time when you are too busy to learn?  Okay, maybe it's not too busy, maybe it's not taking time to learn?  If you are like me, during these times, you feel like you are in a lull, just going through the motions, not inspired or inspiring.    This leads to frustration and feeling disgruntled and feeling less effective, and so on.  Full disclosure -  I'm guilty!  I consider myself a learner, a reader, and someone who strives to continue growing.  I'm not sure how that got away from me other  The hectic pace in which we live.  I could give you my list, but I think you get the picture.  My guess is that you more than have probably been there and felt the same way a time or two.

The last couple weeks I have been reminded of how important it is for me to continue growing and learning.  I have been inspired, encouraged, and am on fire to grow and learn more.  

One statement I have heard more than once this week has resonated with me :  "It is okay to not know something, but once you know, it is not okay to not do something with the information."  Sometimes when we learn something new, we shut down because it makes us feel like what we have been doing is wrong.  This isn't always accurate.  We do the best we can at all times with what we know now.  Now that we know better, we have to do better.  This doesn't mean we have been "wrong".  It does mean we can grow and learn and do better based on what we know now.  We have all heard the term Growth Mindset.  This is having a growth mindset.  Learning and being willing to try and change based on that knowledge.  Once you know, it is not okay to do nothing with the new knowledge.  We at least have a decision to make with what we want to do with the new information.  Doing nothing is not an option.

I have talked to or listened to many of you talking after our Reading Workshop training on Monday.  I have heard statements of fear and concern.  I have heard fixed mindset statements.  I have heard statements of defensiveness.  I have heard growth mindset statements and excitement around learning and making changes to impact the reading culture in our building and most importantly the reading lives of our students.  All of this to say, we were given much information on Monday.  Now there is a decision to be made.  Do you approach this new knowledge with a fixed or growth mindset?

Have we learned something that will allow us to do an even better job at "growing readers"?  As we continue this journey with readers workshop, please keep an open mind, have a growth mindset.  Let's grow lifelong readers!

Balanced Literacy Schedule:

Article Worth Reading:

The 6 Ts of Effective Elementary Literacy Instruction  by Richard Allington

Videos Worth Watching:

Shared Reading: (The video Anne Marie shared on Monday)

First Grade Shared Reading: This one shows the class setting up for reading workshop and then going into shared reading.

First Grade # 3 - Shared Reading Experience from TC Reading and Writing Project on Vimeo.

First Grade Reading Workshop:

First Grade # 4 - Reading Workshop from TC Reading and Writing Project on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Be Present, Be Kind, Be Open

It is that time of year when everyone considers New Year's Resolutions and setting new goals.  What is it we hope to accomplish in the new year?  What are the things we know we need to work on?  I have thought much about my own resolutions, both personal and professional, and I have found that my primary goals overlap.  Of course, every year there is the get healthy goal.  That one is a given.....but this year I mean it! : )  I'd like to share the other goals with you, and I ask that you consider joining me at Parma, or at least hold me accountable.

I believe that as educators we face a challenge when thinking about what some of our resolutions may be.  The difficult part is finding a balance between work and home.  Working on one without taking away from the other.  Every educator I know struggles with balancing the work load of our job and the amount of time it takes to do the job well and yet still being the mom, dad, daughter, son, grandmother, aunt, etc. that we all want to be and that our families deserve.  I wish I had the answer, the easy solution.  I don't, but this is the reason for my first resolution.

Resolution #1:  BE PRESENT:  I often find myself thinking of 10 things at once,  even when I am listening to someone.  I take my phone in to my parents when I go there every week for dinner.  I check my email during a meeting or during dinner.  My goal is simply to be present wherever I am. My resolution is to focus on the person I am with at the time.  To be the best I can be in that moment.  When I am with my parents, I need to be the best daughter I can be, and just be present with them.  When I am with friends, at dinner, talking, put down the cell phone, turn off the email and just be the best friend I can be, just be present with them.  I challenge you to do the same.  Our families and friends deserve that!

This is just as important in our professional lives.  When I am at work, I need to be present.  I need to be the best principal, colleague, coworker I can be.  I am guilty of "multi-tasking" during meetings or conversations.  My goal is to focus and be present in the moment.  Being present for our kids is critical.  For me, that means meeting them at the front door in the morning, sitting with them at lunch, having conversations where they have my undivided attention throughout the day.  At the heart of everything we do is building relationships.  Being present is a must!  Join me!  Hold me accountable!

Resolution #2:  BE KIND:  Mr. Smajda challenged us at the beginning of the school year with this.  I believe it is important to keep in mind throughout 2016.  When I look back at the year, I want to be able to say that I handled even the most difficult people and situations with kindness.  There are far too many of our kids who are living in environments that are not kind.  The words they hear are not kind.  The way people treat each other is not kind.  I want Parma Elementary to be a place that shows
them kindness, that lets them hear kindness, that lets them feel kindness.  How we treat each other, work together, speak about each other......there is no question that it should always be with kindness.  We are after all in this together.  We are a PLC.  We are colleagues and friends.  Be kind is a given, but it is something we can all work on.   Join me!  Hold me accountable!

Resolution #3:  BE OPEN:  Education is constantly changing.  We have to be willing to consider new ways of doing things.  We have to be open to trying new things and exposing our kids to new ideas.   It is my resolution to continue being a learner, and to be open to trying new things as I learn.   Be Open to learning and growing.  Join me!  Hold me accountable!

Next Week At A Glance:

Monday, Jan. 4th:  School Resumes
Wednesday, Jan. 6th:  8:35-9:00 K and 1 Assembly and Intervention meeting
Wednesday, Jan. 6th:  2:35-3:35 PLC meeting in the library to review MStep Data
Thursday, Jan. 7th:  Happy Birthday Lisa Wollet
NWEA Map's mid-year assessments begin Monday, January 11.  Schedule testing dates this week.

Articles Worth Reading:

Be a Change Agent - +George Couros
Mindful Resolution Re-Boot
5 K-12 Trends to Watch in 2016
Got Resolutions? How About these In Education - +Ben Gilpin
2 Books to Help Children Think About Changing the World
As a Student, I Wish You Knew - @TechNinjaTodd
It's Time to Take a Hard Look at How we Teach Reading - "There are more books in the classrooms of high-achieving schools, and more students who read frequently."

Videos Worth Watching:

Google - Year In Search 2015

Pay with Love McDonald's Commercial:

I love the message in this...being selfless!

Being Mindful and PRESENT in the Moment: