Sunday, March 23, 2014

"This Is Why" Moments

Pure Joy!
Parent Teacher Conferences, Interest fair, PD day, curriculum reviews, ELA training, workshops, report cards, MACUL, MRA, Snow Day, slipper day, magic shows (and magic wand sales) author visit, spelling bee, reading night.....what else can we pack into March?  It has been a busy month, an exciting month, an exhausting month, and at times a frustrating month.  It always seems that morale in March reaches an all time low as all of us (students and staff) are ready to be done with winter and definitely ready for spring break.  It is during this time that I hope you are able to experience moments that make you remember why you love what you do and why we do what we do at Parma Elementary.

Our students LOVE books!
Linda Urban spends time with
our kids just talking about reading!
I have had many "This is Why" moments throughout this month.  Believe me, I have also had those moments that feel like I've just about had it, but it is then that something happens, someone does something or says something that makes everything worth it, makes everything better, makes me remember that this is why we do what we do.  Some of those moments have been with students, some with staff, some with parents, some with you!  It is those moments with kids that makes me question how anyone could do anything but work in a school.  What a great job we have, even in the most frustrating months.
Linda Urban Reads to a packed library at
Family Reading Night.

Mark Ludy's new book coming
this summer:  Noah
I am reminded of a speech I heard Maya Angelou give at last year's ASCD conference in Chicago.  First, let me tell you that seeing Maya Angelou was on my bucket list.  She has always been one of my favorites.  She did not disappoint.  Her message was about "Being a Rainbow" for others.  She spoke of troubled times and cloudy days, and how we are called, especially in education, to be a rainbow for others.  She spoke of teachers in her past, as troubled as it was, who where rainbows in her childhood.  I had forgotten this message.  The sky has been gray, the last few months have been long, but I will remember from this point on to do as Maya Angelou suggests we all need to do, and that is to "take time out" and "be a rainbow in someone's cloud."

Take a minute to listen to her speech about being a rainbow.

I hope you have experienced moments these past few weeks that have made you stop, even smile, and say to yourself, "this is why."  I hope you have been able to be a rainbow in someone's cloud, and I hope you have had others provide that rainbow for you.  I know that this staff is so often the rainbow for our kids, and you have certainly been that for me!  I hope over spring break you are able to "take time out" and pause and reflect on all that is good, that is right, that is so special about what we do everyday.

Students reading to students
Parma Families enjoying dinner together

Articles Worth Reading and Links worth Checking out:

To The Kid Who Walked Through My Door Last Night +Pernille Ripp @pernilleripp
This is one of those "this is why" moments!

Common Sense Media on Digital Citizenship - Take a look at the scope and sequence for teaching digital citizenship grades K -12.  There are units for each grade level.  Give some of the lessons a try.  This is something we need to make sure our students understand.

9 Reasons to Twitter in Schools shared by +George Couros @gcouros

Take A Chance, You May Surprise Yourself +Shannon Degan @shannondegan

Videos Worth Watching:

Powerful Video about creativity and innovation.  This young man is 15 years old and he wows MIT.

An Inspiring Teachers Amazing Moves - Ellen Show!  Listen to why he became a teacher.  I thought it was interesting that the picture has a "rainbow" through it!

Yes, this is an alcohol advertisement, but it is a great message about reading - The Reader!

"Happy" with Pentatonix - Love this group!

Andy Griffith will be visiting Parma on April 17!  

13 Story Tree House

26 Story Tree House

And, if you can't be the rainbow all the least hold the umbrella during the rain!  : )