Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bring It


This week begins MEAP testing for our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders.  At our assembly last week, I talked to them about having an eye of a tiger and a "bring it" attitude.  We talked about how a tiger is focused and never loses sight of its target.  They are intense, determined, fierce, and losing isn't an option.  We talked about how they can have the same focus when it comes to doing well in school, on a test, during a game, whatever their target may be.  We also talked about "bring it" attitudes and being proactive by choosing this attitude as opposed to an attitude of fear, defeat, uncertainty.  You can ask a 3rd, 4th or 5th grader about my example story of when I didn't have a bring it attitude.  I want our students to feel confident and know that they have what it takes.  I want them to know that without a doubt they have been given all the prior knowledge they need to do well on any assessment put in front of them.  I want us as a staff to be able to say this with confidence to every child, every parent, every board and community member and more importantly to each other that we have prepared our students for the following year, the upcoming assessment, the next step!  New curriculum, Common Core, challenging students, RTI, assessments, data director, evaluations, accomodations, etc.......BRING IT!!!!

This Week's Events:

Monday, October 8:  8:00 SE Team Meeting
Monday, October 8:  9:30 Admin. Meeting
Tuesday, October 9:  MEAP testing Reading Day 1
Wednesday, October 10:  MEAP Testing Reading Day 2
Thursday, October 11:  MEAP Testing Writing Day 1
Friday, October 12:  8:00 Staff Meeting

Blogs, Tweets and Pins, Oh MY!

Make sure you click on the "post" below each picture to look at other ideas within the site!
Anchor chart on non-fiction text features, from this post. 

Anchor Chart on retelling. This post has many other anchor charts.

Anchor chart on written responses (sorry I can't find the blog post that goes with this)

1 comment:

  1. Sue--I don't say this enough. Lucas and I feel so blessed to have Stel with you and your teachers everyday. Your whole building is amazing in what they do for kids all day long. I can always tell who my 'Parma Kids' are when they are in my classroom and I'm so thankful my own kids will be among them. If I were to ever consider teaching elementary school instead of my sophomores, I would want to be in your building. The motivation of your staff and students is surely a reflection of collaborative leadership. Thank you, so much, for all that you do.
