Monday, October 29, 2012


We may not really wear capes, but….

Teaching might be challenging, push you to your creative limits, stretch your emotions, and make you reach for that last drop of energy 7 days of the week, but is there any better job out there?  We get to show up to class and make learning exciting for kids.  We can help them uncover a new passion, explore a current interest, or add a building block to reaching their future dreams.  We have the ability to see growth that would amaze most people.  We get to encourage kids to take risks and try ‘one more time.’  At the end of the day, when we’re our very most exhausted, a tiny note left on our desk from a kid that had fun learning, can put our entire lives into perspective.  We may not wear capes everyday, but we get to be a part of something truly inspiring.  Learning. Kids. The future.  So, as our kids dress up for the Halloween parade and party, have a cape, a halo, a shield of armor, a light, a mask of a hero.  You are Superman or Superwoman!! 

Next Week at a Glance:

Monday, October 29th:  Art Rotation begins....Welcome Carmen Hinkle to Parma.
Tuesday, October 30th:  Picture Retakes
Wednesday, October 31st:  Grades 3-5 morning assembly
Wednesday, October 31st:  Halloween, Parade begins at 1:45pm.
Thursday, November 1st: Lighthouse Team Training @ Admin.
Friday, November 2nd:  PD for teachers.  Implementation Training

Thank you for all your effort at Fall Festival!  What a great night for our families.  We served just over 300 spaghetti dinners.  I know it makes for a long day, but it is so important to continue having those types of events for our kids, families and community!

Cool Video with a great message for our kids....Beauty in the World:

Great video done by students about the election....thought our 4th graders would love this:

Articles worth your time:
5 attitudes to adopt for success in work and life
102 interesting ways to use ipads in the classroom

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