Monday, September 2, 2013


As we wrapped up the 2012-13 school year, I met with our Student Lighthouse Team to discuss possible themes for the coming school year.  Our students selected "SHINE" for this year's theme.  I think it may have had something to do with the fact that we were sitting in the cafeteria where the newly painted mural of the Sun was staring at us.  I have thought a great deal about this theme, and I love it!  I want our students to SHINE!  I want them to let their greatness SHINE!  I want them to let their light SHINE with others!  I can imagine conversations with students this year and congratulating them for being a "shining" example of leadership.  I can also imagine asking students if they are letting their light shine for others in situations when maybe they haven't made a great choice.  Or even questioning whether or not they are letting their greatness shine when they have chosen poor behavior or lack of effort.  I want to remind our students throughout this school year that they ALL have the potential to shine in so many ways.  We are striving to be a "Lighthouse School" in our Leader in Me journey.  I believe that being an example for others and helping them find their way along this journey is only one way to accomplish this.  For the purpose of the grant, that qualifies us as a "Lighthouse School", but for me, we are only a Lighthouse School if we live day by day in a way that others can follow in our actions, our words, our deeds; the way we work together; the way we speak to our students and each other; the way we challenge each other and our students to be the best we can be; the way we celebrate success and overcome struggles; the way we plan, teach, provide intervention; the way our students act and treat each other....I want everyone in our building to SHINE, to be a lighthouse for others, not just on the Leader In Me journey, but in all ways, all days!
Of course once the theme was chosen, other great themes started popping up.  One that I loved was "Be Brave".  One of the blogs I follow is Matt Gomez.  He is a kindergarten teacher in Texas, and he wrote a blog this summer about the one rule in his classroom.  That rule is "Be Brave".  If you haven't already seen the post, I recommend reading it right now....just click this link:  Be Brave Blog.

What a great theme!  Then I thought about the fact that it takes being brave at times in order to SHINE. Can we encourage our kids to this year?  Be brave and shine.  I want our kids to shine....all days...all ways.  I want them to be brave.  My friend and former college roommate, who is the mother of 5 children,  posted this on facebook recently after hearing Sara Bareilles sing Brave (youtube video below):  "Wait. How is it possible that I JUST heard this song for the first time? Here's what it made me think: Yes. I want my kids to be smart. And get into college. And love their jobs. And have wonderful friends. These are all of the things I think about at the beginning of a new school year. But more than any of that, I want them to all stand. Stand tall. Stand up for good. Stand against bad. Stand in the gap. Stand strong. And to always know that their momma is standing to cheer them on."  
I want this for our kids as well.  Let them stand, shine and be brave.  

Oh my word, then I heard the song, "Roar".  This would be a great theme for the school year.  They just keep coming.  I love the message in the song, and I love how it can apply to our school and our kids.  I want them to feel like champions, and while they are being brave and shining.....I want them to ROAR!  
                                                              Roar - Katy Perry

Please take time to watch the following video.  It will make you smile....and think!

                                                                 Brave - Sara Bareillas

                                                                Shine - Newsboys

Have a great first few days back to school.  Enjoy getting to know your students and building relationships that foster a learning environment where our students can be BRAVE and learn to SHINE and feel confident enough to ROAR.  

Links worth checking out:

Why instilling a love of school should be your highest priority this year :  shared by @NMHS_PrincipalA

Back to School with Ipads : 5 steps for the first 5 days:  shared by @shannondegan

Videos for brain breaks, trasitions and indoor recess:  shared by @mattbgomez

6 ways to help kids become quality readers:  shared by @stevereifman

5 good Pinterest tools for teachers

Top 10 ways to turn your classroom into a hotbed of enthusiastic readers

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