Sunday, September 15, 2013

If the dance floor is empty....change the song.

I attended a wedding this summer, and it is possible that I was the only person at the reception thinking about how the DJ and the Dance Floor could somehow be analogous to school.  As a matter of fact, I am pretty sure most of the other guests never even thought about teaching and learning while watching people do the Chicken Dance or the Electric Slide.  I'm not sure what is wrong with them, but I couldn't help thinking about students and teaching. : )

Early in the evening, the dance floor was empty while the DJ played songs that were not of interest to anyone.  I noticed that he had cases full of music, and I kept thinking that he needed to change the music to fit the styles of the different guests.  Like most weddings and receptions, the guests ranged in age and interests.  How could a DJ possibly please everyone and  keep everyone dancing.  There were those who would prefer a slow waltz or some golden oldies, while others could have kept the dance floor moving with swing music or line dancing.  The boot scootin' boogie brought out some while others wouldn't even try until Chubby Checker blared "The Twist". The young kids had fun with the Chicken Dance and The Cha Cha Slide.  Some wanted slow music while others wanted something a little faster.  I realized that the DJ had a challenge for the night.

I couldn't help think about how teachers are faced with a classroom full of diverse learners just like the DJ was faced with a dance floor of diverse dancers.  Like the cases full of music for the DJ, teachers have to have a variety of teaching strategies to meet the needs of all students.  The DJ can't expect everyone to want to dance to every type of music.  We know that not all students will learn with the same teaching strategy.  If they aren't "dancing", we have to try another "song".

Though the DJ plays many weddings year after year, this was the one wedding for my friends.  They wouldn't have another chance to have a different DJ for their wedding.  The DJ wouldn't have another chance to make their reception special.  Though you may teach 2nd grade, or 4th grade or 1st grade, etc, year after year, this is the only year you will have the opportunity to engage, educate and impact the students sitting in your room this year.  This is the only year you will have to connect with their parents and help them have the best 2nd grade, or 4th grade or 1st grade, etc. ever!  Click on this  blog about the impact a teacher has on a child and her parents.  The title is "Why I hate my Daughters First Grade Teacher."

I have used the song "Brave" in our assembly, and we have talked about being brave as learners and leaders.  I know that it takes different strategies to meet the needs of all students, but I also want our students to be brave and always  willing to try new ways to learn something new.

One last thought about dancing and learning, Djing and teaching.  At one point in the night, the DJ played the Love Train.  Everyone "got on board".  There was a train around the dance floor and the hall including, children and adults, grandparents, men and women.  I guess everyone responds to love!
I don't think I need to explain how that made me think about Parma and our students.

Articles and Links Worth Reading:

The minds of boys and girls - an article about the differences and how we can differentiate for both

Learning differences in boys

Technology in the Classroom - What is the Focus? - shared by @mattbgomez

Top 50 Wonderopolis for primary grades - shared by @mattbgomez

Home - Math Learning boxes - shared by @frankisibberson and @maryleehahn

Videos Worth Watching:

A fifth grade class created their class vision using the song "Brave".

"Kid President believes we're all teachers and we're all students. What are you teaching the world? Who are you learning from?"


Evolution of Dance

Keep them them Dance!


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