As we end conference week, and wrap up conversations with parents about their most prized possession, know that last week is not the beginning nor the end of parent/teacher/school communication. It is our responsibility to provide an accurate picture of how each student is performing in class to our parents. Conference week provides an opportunity to share progress, challenges, leadership binders, etc. The school year provides an opportunity to form a bond between families and school. Yes, it is our responsibility to report any concerns and challenges, but I challenge you to also share with parents throughout the year the greatness in every child that you are noticing this year.
Some parents are very apprehensive to come to school or speak with the teacher or principal. Some due to their own experiences in school, and others because they are anxious about what they might hear about their son or daughter. I'm sure you felt the nervousness and anxiety in some of our parents as you sat with them at conferences. Some parents do not see themselves as partners in the education of their children, however, we know that if we don't work with our parents and involve them in ways they can help at home, we are missing a huge resource for our kids.
As we have worked this year to find the greatness in each child, it is my hope that we will find opportunities to contact parents to share these characteristics of greatness noticed in their children. Along with sharing the greatness with parents, make sure to point out to the kids the qualities of greatness being displayed in the moment. Name the greatness. End each day with a greatness phone call, email, FB message or two. It could just make your day and theirs and make a parent or two beam with pride.
I do believe that there is nothing more powerful than the teacher in the classroom when it comes to the academic success of our kids. However, I also know that parental support and participation can make such a huge difference. Parents need to know they are needed and appreciated. We need them to know we welcome them and count on them to assist us in working with and celebrating our kids.
Parent teacher conference week is over, but I hope our communication with parents continues all year.
Articles Worth Reading:
I am "That" Parent - Powerful Read - shared by +Pernille Ripp
Positive Notes Home on Pinterest
There is always something good - +Pernille Ripp
50 Online Early Readers with Audio - +Matt Gomez
6 Tools for Parent Teacher Collaboration
Videos Worth Watching:
Fail Harder
Dangerous Minds: This conversation could have gone so many ways. Notice the looks on their faces. How do you think this conversation will impact his performance and behavior in class? Relentless focus on the positive!
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