Sunday, October 13, 2013

Reading Goal Part Two

My plan was to not send a blog link this week so that you would have time to continue viewing and reading last week's links on reading research.  We continue to work toward developing our school wide goal on reading.  I wanted to share an additional link this week on Accelerated Reader and whether or not it is a good tool for promoting lifelong readers.  I believe it has its place in motivating students to read, but please read the following link on additional strategies to use along with Accelerated Reader. Our ultimate goal is to motivate all students to read and to develop lifelong reader.  Every strategy we use must help us meet this goal.

I wanted to share with you a comment from a parent and a facebook comment from one of our parents. I was talking to one of our parents about hunting, and he stated that his son reads the entire time they are in the woods.  He said that he has to tell his son that if he sees a deer, he will have to put his book down so that turning the pages doesn't scare the deer away.  Another parent posted the following post and picture on facebook this weekend:
Perfect end to a long week listening to Avery read a Magic treehouse book with a flashlight by the fire...Life is good 

I would say that we are off to a great start with our reading goal, and I know we can continue to create more and more stories just like these as ALL of us read and read and read!

I loved this idea outside the door of EVERY staff member.  I believe it is important for a reading goal to truly be school wide, our students need to see that we are all readers.

Links worth reading:

Accelerated Reader and Lifelong Readers - Please read all the way through to the recommendations and suggestions.

Please take some time to read the links from last week if you have not had time read them.

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