Sunday, March 3, 2013

Our Mission: Together We Love, Learn and Lead

Our Mission:  Together We Love, Learn and Lead

The task of developing a mission statement can be daunting.  The words have to be just right.  They have to express who we are, what our purpose is.  It has to be concise enough for everyone to remember, and yet it has to express so much.  I knew I would know it when I heard it.  We knew it had to have something to do with relationships and working together.  We had discussed statements regarding leading, but we knew so much of our purpose is learning.  Then, we looked at mission statements that included leading and learning.  Something was missing.  "Together We Love, Learn and Lead".  That's it.  I don't know how we could possibly have a mission statement at Parma Elementary School that didn't include Love!

If we can help our students feel cared about and know how to care for others, and if we can inspire learning and create leaders, our mission will be accomplished.  The only way we can do this is together.  This is a mission that takes all of us.  It is a mission that deserves all of us.  Can you imagine if we are  successful with every child in this mission?

Can you guess the companies that wrote these mission statements?

Our Mission: To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world.

Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
Calendar Items Not to Miss:

Monday, March 4:  Reading Month kick off
Monday, March 4:  MacBook distribution after school
Tuesday, March 5:  6:30 PTA Meeting
Wednesday, March 6:  Grades PK - 2 Assembly
Wednesday, March 6:  2:40 - 3:30 Meeting with Paul Pitchford from Franklin Covey
Friday, March 8:  MacBook distribution after school

Links to Look at:

Students share characteristics of their favorite teacher

10 Teacher Resources for motivating students


Click here to see more writing anchor charts

Videos worth watching:

Educate the Heart:
Expanded Learning Opportunities:

If you haven't seen this clip on sportsmanship, you will want to watch it!  Sweet story.  I will share with our students at assembly.

Let reading month begin:

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