Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Private Victories

The Leader in ME

“If I really want to improve my situation, I can work on the one thing over which I have control - myself.”
Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People  

  Six of us participated in the certification training for The 7 Habits.  I can honestly say it was two days I sat wishing we could all hear.  It was such a good refresher of the 7 Habits, which I needed, but more importantly, we all were reminded that these habits are as important for us and our personal lives as they are for our kids and our school.  We had some great conversations and were asked some thought provoking questions that made us dig a little deeper and understand a little better.   I walked away realizing that I had been so consumed with "teaching" our students the 7 Habits, that I forgot the importance of incorporating the Habits in my own life.  Living them every day will make teaching them so much easier and more natural.  We were encouraged to celebrate our own Private Victories, and I encourage you to do the same.  Set a goal, make a plan, find those victories throughout your day and celebrate them.  Private victories are important to our own success.

I would like for you to spend some time on one of the questions we discussed on Friday.  Please take time to think about the following three questions:

1.  What do you want to have happen that is not happening at work?
2.  What do you want to have happen that is not happening at home and/or in your family life?
3.  What do you want to have happen that is not happening for you personally?

Now, what is one thing you could do this week in each of these areas to address your answer?  Make it something doable, realistic?  It doesn't have to be huge.  It might be a very minor change or activity, but if it addresses something you would like to be different, doing it will be a private victory.  I for one have my alarm set to get up and exercise first thing in the morning.  I will be celebrating a private victory when I get my tennis shoes on, and an even bigger victory when I finish a workout each morning.  I will be celebrating a private victory before I even face the day or see any of you.  That is "A Leader in ME!"  

Don't forget or overlook the importance of YOU in this process of becoming a Leader in Me school.  It has to start for each of us personally.  

Next week at a glance: 

Monday, December 3:  9:00 - 11:00 Admin. Meeting  
Monday, December 3:  4:00 Zumba
Tuesday, December 4:  6:30 PTA Meeting
Wednesday, December 5:  MEMSPA Conference  
Wednesday, December 5:  4:00 Zumba
Wednesday, December 5:  2:40 Teachers meet in the library
Thursday, December 6:  MEMSPA Conference
Friday, December 7:  8:00 Staff Meeting
Monday, December 10:  9:00 SE Team Meeting 

Article worth your time by Donalyn Miller....Author of The Book Whisperer.  Please take time to read the article and think about whether or not your students see you as a reader.

What the Kardashians taught me about reading

 Blogs, Pins & Tweets

@Joe_Mazza: If you are "grading homework," you are in a sense grading the home support/lack there of of all of your students 

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