Sunday, October 30, 2016

When We Know Better...

Do you ever have those periods of time when you are too busy to learn?  Okay, maybe it's not too busy, maybe it's not taking time to learn?  If you are like me, during these times, you feel like you are in a lull, just going through the motions, not inspired or inspiring.    This leads to frustration and feeling disgruntled and feeling less effective, and so on.  Full disclosure -  I'm guilty!  I consider myself a learner, a reader, and someone who strives to continue growing.  I'm not sure how that got away from me other  The hectic pace in which we live.  I could give you my list, but I think you get the picture.  My guess is that you more than have probably been there and felt the same way a time or two.

The last couple weeks I have been reminded of how important it is for me to continue growing and learning.  I have been inspired, encouraged, and am on fire to grow and learn more.  

One statement I have heard more than once this week has resonated with me :  "It is okay to not know something, but once you know, it is not okay to not do something with the information."  Sometimes when we learn something new, we shut down because it makes us feel like what we have been doing is wrong.  This isn't always accurate.  We do the best we can at all times with what we know now.  Now that we know better, we have to do better.  This doesn't mean we have been "wrong".  It does mean we can grow and learn and do better based on what we know now.  We have all heard the term Growth Mindset.  This is having a growth mindset.  Learning and being willing to try and change based on that knowledge.  Once you know, it is not okay to do nothing with the new knowledge.  We at least have a decision to make with what we want to do with the new information.  Doing nothing is not an option.

I have talked to or listened to many of you talking after our Reading Workshop training on Monday.  I have heard statements of fear and concern.  I have heard fixed mindset statements.  I have heard statements of defensiveness.  I have heard growth mindset statements and excitement around learning and making changes to impact the reading culture in our building and most importantly the reading lives of our students.  All of this to say, we were given much information on Monday.  Now there is a decision to be made.  Do you approach this new knowledge with a fixed or growth mindset?

Have we learned something that will allow us to do an even better job at "growing readers"?  As we continue this journey with readers workshop, please keep an open mind, have a growth mindset.  Let's grow lifelong readers!

Balanced Literacy Schedule:

Article Worth Reading:

The 6 Ts of Effective Elementary Literacy Instruction  by Richard Allington

Videos Worth Watching:

Shared Reading: (The video Anne Marie shared on Monday)

First Grade Shared Reading: This one shows the class setting up for reading workshop and then going into shared reading.

First Grade # 3 - Shared Reading Experience from TC Reading and Writing Project on Vimeo.

First Grade Reading Workshop:

First Grade # 4 - Reading Workshop from TC Reading and Writing Project on Vimeo.