Sunday, June 9, 2013

Time to Rest, Reflect....and Learn!

Over the past few weeks, we have been crossing off end of year tasks and events each day.  I was able to enjoy a great day in Chicago with our 5th graders and two beautiful days in Mackinac with our 3rd graders.  Our volunteer luncheon was wonderful as always, and the students were excited to receive their awards.  End of year testing has been ongoing.  Our School Improvement plan was submitted, and Leadership Day was a huge success.  Field days, field trips, observations, report cards....and now, one and a half days left, and we call it a wrap for 2012-2013 school year.   When I look back at this year and consider all that we accomplished and how far we have come, I am so proud and so encouraged.  We just keep getting better and better.  I appreciate that I work with people who never settle for "good enough."  As you close the door on the 2012-13 school year, consider what went well, where can you improve, reflect and rejuvenate.

Though I have plans for travel and relaxation and fun this summer, I am also looking forward to my summer learning plan.  I have books on my list to read including Teach Like A PirateThe Book WhispererThe Daily 5The Cafe Book, and Nurtured Heart Approach.  I also have books just for pleasure that I plan to read and be extremely lazy on several days.  I have a couple conferences I will be attending, and I will be keeping up on Twitter and finding new ideas on pinterest.  I look forward to starting the 2013-14 school year with renewed energy, new ideas, and plans to help us continue becoming better and better.  

I hope you will have time to relax, reflect and rejuvenate, but I also hope you take time to learn, plan and prepare for an even better school year in 2013-14.  

Articles and Links worth Reading:

Fix It In Five - Ideas for Student Blogging  ( I'm hoping this is something some of you may consider using in your classroom next year)

100 Ways to use Twitter in Education (I encourage you to spend some time on twitter this summer)

Need a couple last day ideas?

Chalk Talk - write a topic in the middle and have students comment around it. They cannot talk, only write! They go up twice. First they write something original, then they comment on it.

Enjoy these last couple days with our kids!  Remind them of the importance of summer learning and reading.