Monday, January 28, 2013

Common Core - Instructional Core

Seldom do I give you this much to read on the blog, but I found this article on teaching and learning  very interesting when considering the Common Core, Ipads in the classroom, and smarter balanced assessments.  Please take some time to read...possibly more than once if you are like me.  It has given me much to think about as I continue to read as much as I can about the common core and assessments and instructional practice.  I think that we have to continue to consider how we are keeping students engaged in their learning not just busy.  What is their role? 

First and Second Principle of the Instructional Core:

First Principle:  Increases in student learning occur only as a consequence of improvements in the level of content, teachers' Knowledge and skill, and student engagement.

There are only three ways to improve student learning at scale.  The first is to increase the level of knowledge and skill that the teacher brings to the instructional process.  The second is to increase the level of complexity of the content that students are asked to learn.  And the third is to change the role of the student in the instructional process.  That's it.  If you are not doing one of these three things, you are not improving instruction and learning.  Everything else is instrumental.  That is, everything that's not in the instructional core can only affect student learning and performance by somehow influencing what goes inside the core.

When educators think about "changing" instruction, they typically focus not on the instructional core, but on various structures and processes that surround the core.  They might choose, for example, to group students in a particular way because of a theory about how groupiing will affect the relationship of the student and the teacher in the presence of content.  But it is not the grouping practice that produces students learning.  Rather, it is the change in the knowledge and skill that teachers bring to the practice, the type of content to which students gain access, and the role that students play in their own learning that determine what students will know and be able to do.  If changes in grouping practices don't alter the core, then the likelihood they will affect student learning is remote.

What about content and performance standards?  Standards only operate by influencing the level of the content that's actually being taught.  Their effect in actual classrooms depends on whether there are materials that reflect the standards, whether teachers know how to teach what the materials and standards require, and whether students find the work that they are being asked to do worthwhile and engaging. 

Second Principle:  If you change any single element of the instructional core, you have to change the other two to affect student learning.

A failure to address teachers' knowledge and skill as part of a curriculum-based improvement strategy typpically produces low-level teching on high-level content, a situation we see wih considerable frequency in American classrooms.  We call this "knocking the corners off the grand piano to get it through the door."  Teachers assign high-level text or complex problems and then structure student learning around familiar fill-in-the-blank worksheets.  Or teachers walk students through a straight procedural explanation of how to find the answer, leaving the students int he role of recording what the teacher says, rather than actively thinking through the problems for themselves.

If you raise the level of content and the knowledge and skill of teachers without changing the role of the student in the instructional process, you get another common situation in American classrooms:  Teachers are doing al, or most, of the work, exercising considerable flair and control in the classroom, and sudnets are sitting passively, watching the teacher perform.  A common student question in these classrooms is, "Teacher, should I write this down?"

We frequently hear educators talk about how well the lesson went, without reference to what students were actually doing and the visible evidence of what students actually knew as a consequence of the teaching.  Mostly, the lesson has "gone well" when it has gone according to plan, without any specific reference to what students do or don't know as a consequence of the teaching.

Americans are much more comfortable talking about changing content and teaching than they are about changing the role of the student in instruction.  We focus much more attention on textbook adoptions and curriculum alignment, for example than we do on analyzing students' actual responses to the content, what motivates them to high levels of engagement with the content, and their actual role in the instructional process.

This is one big difference between American schools and schools in other countries.  Here we spend a great deal of time worrying about what we're teaching and how it is being taught.  In other places, people also spend a great deal of time worrying about whether students are actually interested in, actively engaged in, and able to explain how they the students think about what adults are trying to teach them.  We tend to focus more on what the teacher is doing in front of the classroom than we do on the work that is actually on top of the students' desk. 

Next Week at a Glance:

Monday, January 28:  Leader in Me Principal meeting
Wednesday, January 30:  Grades 3-5 PLC assembly
Friday, February 1:  8:00 Staff Meeting
Saturday, February 2:  9:00 - 9:00 (no joke) Scrapbooking in Parma Cafeteria

The following Links offer great resources for Ipad Apps:

6 weeks of Ipad Apps for school  -  Go through the slides on this link.  There are some great apps!
my-35-favorite-free-apps-teaching - Again....some great apps including some for organization
apps-we-use-in-kindergarten - I follow this kindergarten teacher on Twitter.  He has some great ideas.
Click here to read how a 2nd grade teacher got started with 1 iPad in the classroom.

Engage Me video:  3 minutes

Video that reminds us that technology is great, but we have to DISCONNECT sometimes to CONNECT!  2 minutes....worth your time!

Check out the falls in January!  Now that is cold.

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Year


New Years Resolutions....Start a Streak

The start of a new year always makes us think of new goals we have for ourselves.  There are things we want to accomplish, books we want to read, weight we want to lose, exercise we are going to do, areas in life to organize, etc.  The new year begins with such great intentions.  It is a fresh start.  An opportunity to start over, to get it right.  Whether or not you make resolutions, I hope you took some time at the end of 2012 to reflect on your life personally and professionally.

This past Wednesday, I spoke with our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders about setting goals and "sharpening the saw".  I asked them what they could do to sharpen the saw in different areas of their lives, and they had so many great comments.  One student told me she wanted to work on being more accepting of others.  Another told me that she was working on not talking in class so much.  One 3rd grade boy told me he wanted to eat healthier.  I encourage you to also have this conversation with our students. 

I have made some goals for my life in 2013.  I plan to sharpen the saw physically by drinking more water, eating better and exercising every morning.(UGH....I'm not a morning person)  I have made a commitment to mentally sharpen the saw by reading a minimum of three books each fiction, one non-fiction, and one that our students are reading.  This may not sound like a lot, but I have forgotten how to read for pleasure as I tend to read mostly non-fiction books related to school.  I also have goals for sharpening the saw spiritually and financially. 

I encourage you to set yourself a lofty goal or two.  If it is physical one, all the better.  Stick with it, and I promise you it will make you a better and healthier person.  Or try a different kind of streak.  Give a hug every single day.  Call a parent of a student once a day.  Start a streak of kindness or maybe reading to your kids.  Just go for it....go streaking!!

Next Week at a Glance:

Monday, January 14:  SE Team Meeting 9:00 a.m.
Monday, January 14:  4th and 5th grade Spelling Bee at the CAC begins at 6:00
Tuesday, January 15:  6:30 p.m. PTA Meeting
Wednesday, January 16:  Grades Y5 - 2 PLC Assembly
Thursday, January 17:  School Board Meeting 6:30 p.m.
Friday, January 18:  Staff Meeting 8:00 a.m.
Monday, January 21:  Teacher In Service Day 8:00 at HS Weller Computer Lab then Warner

Articles Worth Your Time:

Play Partners
Teaching/Classroom Ideas - This has some great apps, ideas, posters....take a look.
Prezi on Michigan - Third grade may really enjoy this, but it is also a great way to have students present on a topic.  Each student had a different part of the presentation.
The 14 Most Inspirational Kids of 2012

Video Worth Watching:

Ellen talks about resolutions:

Alton Brown Diet.....How he lost and keeps off 50 lbs.  Foods to eat and foods to avoid.